Posters: Instructions to Authors


Location: Harbour foyer
Set-up: 1200-1900, Tuesday June 26
Take-down: 1545-1800, Friday June 29
Size: Total usable space per poster board is 90 1/2" wide by 40 3/8" high

Poster award presentation: 0800-1000 Current Concepts I, Wednesday June 27

COS Awards of Excellence in Ophthalmic Research
For residents, fellows and medical students conducting original, innovative research at a Canadian university. You must have applied for this award at the time of abstract submission.
Poster awards: 1st place, $1000; 2nd place, $750; 3rd place, $500.

New criteria for competition and increased profile for winners

IMPORTANT: To be considered for the award, your poster MUST be submitted electronically as a PDF well in ADVANCE of the meeting. You must also submit 3 summary PowerPoint slides for presentation, should your award be chosen as a winner. Upload your poster PDF and 3 summary slides directly to Posters must be received before 2400 ET Sunday June 10 to be eligible for the award.

The authors of the best three posters will give a simple 2-minute presentation to increase exposure of their work and facilitate further discussion with meeting attendees. This presentation will be during Current Concepts I on Wed June 27. As such, to be considered for the award, you must submit 3 slides with your poster:

  • Slide 1 - Name of authors, affiliation(s), and title of the poster
  • Slide 2 - Main question addressed by your work (primary outcome measured)
  • Slide 3 - Conclusion reached by the work

The goal of the presentation is NOT to summarize the poster but to INTRODUCE the work described in the poster. We will not accept more than 3 slides.

NB: All discussions, questions and description of minutiae are to take place AT THE POSTER. The session chair WILL STOP presenters who exceed their time, regardless of their place in the presentation. The first author of the winning posters will be contacted by the Adjudication Committee Chair in advance of the meeting to discuss details of the presentation.

Posters will be evaluated according to communicability, scientific communication and scientific merit/value. Judges will be looking for things like:

  • Innovative research, rigorous methods and conclusions supported by results
  • Title, authors are easily identifiable
  • Research question, background, methods, results, discussion and conclusion are relevant, logical and linked to one another
  • The poster is engaging, clear and eye catching
  • Formatting is appropriate and logical; graph and tables and clear and easily visible
  • Clear information that can be read in 3-4 minutes

Please note: All delegates must register for the meeting and pay applicable fees. Register online at:

Please upload your poster PDF and 3 summary slides directly to
User name: presenter
Password: cos2012