News reports from the conference

Clinical news

Visually impaired need more help accessing services
People who are visually impaired need more help learning about - and accessing - services provided by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB). This is one of the messages from the CNIB Client Survey for 2012.

Uveitis an indicator of spondyloarthropathies
Close to half of patients presenting with uveitis may have inflammatory back pain, according to findings from a study at a single ophthalmology clinic. Ophthalmologists may be the first medical professionals these patients encounter about this complaint, and the specialists should ask their patients specific questions about back pain, says Dr. Clara Chan from the University of Toronto.

Corneal inlays show promise for presbyopia
Corneal inlays are at the core of a relatively new technology that has been in development for over 50 years, but has only shown promise for helping patients with presbyopia in the past decade. Developments have surged ahead, to the point where some have been approved in Europe and others are now in clinical trials.

Canadian corneal transplant track record "dismal"
The Canadian corneal transplant track record is dismal when compared with other parts of the world, and experts are calling for Canada to mend its ways.

Poster presentations

In other news

Intracameral moxifloxacin may lead as prophylactic antibiotic for cataract surgery
Intracameral moxifloxacin appears to be the best prophylactic to use after cataract surgery, according to researchers who performed both a literature and general review of the topic. They also took into account their own experience with over 5,000 intraocular surgical procedures.

Significant proportion of patients with narrow angle are myopic
A significant proportion of patients whose eyes have narrow angles are myopic, according to a retrospective review done by Kingston researchers, suggesting that ophthalmologists need to evaluate angles in all patients regardless of refractive status.

Malignancies that masquerade as chronic intraocular inflammation
Chronic intraocular inflammation may be more than what it seems. In a review of the topic, Dr. Nupura Bakshi, staff ophthalmologist at Mount Sinai Hospital and with the department of ophthalmology at the University of Toronto, provided tips on identifying malignant masquerades in chronic idiopathic uveitis.

Topical NSAIDs not needed for uncomplicated cataract surgery
Both ketorolac and nepafenac are well-tolerated medications with minimal side-effect profiles, but are not needed for patients who have uncomplicated cataract surgery and who don't have risk factors. In short, prophylactic use of topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended.

Telemedicine screening for retinopathy of prematurity reduces transfers, costs
An Ontario-based telemedicine program designed to screen for retinopathy of prematurity has several advantages when it comes to getting expertise to remote communities. It's useful for teaching personnel to perform optical imaging, reduces the need for inter-hospital transfers and could provide substantial savings in health care costs.

Botox can help with squint problems after surgery for glaucoma
Botulinum toxin (Botox) can be used as an alternative to eye muscle surgery to correct a squint in patients who have previously had glaucoma drainage surgery, according to researchers from the United Kingdom.

Magnetic cobalt nanoparticles - coming our way soon?
Future therapies for retinal disease may include the use of cobalt or magnetite nanoparticles that are directed to target tissue and cells by use of a magnetic targeting system.

ROP screening worthwhile for extremely premature infants
Extremely premature infants with gestational age of 25 weeks or under have a greater risk of developing type 1 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) than those with older gestational age. This is important because type 1 ROP requires treatment.

Font affects reading performance of patients with AMD
People with central vision loss can read text written in Courier font better than they can other commonly used fonts.

Glaucoma patients should be asked about use of alternative medicine
A sizeable minority of glaucoma patients use complementary and alternative medicine therapies, which may affect both the course of the disease and compliance with other treatments, researchers reported.

Patient-literacy-appropriate health materials needed for ophthalmology patients
Information pamphlets on glaucoma are more effective when written at a lower reading level, a recent Canadian study suggests.

Faster visual recovery with Ex-PRESS than trabeculectomy
Glaucoma patients who undergo trabeculectomy are more likely to lose two or more Snellen lines than patients who receive an Ex-PRESS micro-shunt implant, according to a prospective randomized controlled trial of 64 glaucoma patients who underwent either trabeculectomy (31 patients) or who received an Ex-PRESS shunt (33 patients).

Dr. Avinoam Safran
"Blind people with migraine can experience photosensitivity. Even if they are blind light is still an issue."
Dr. Avinoam Safran, professor of ophthalmology and chair of ophthalmology department, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva

Dr. Geoffrey Tabin
"I've personally done 100 cataract surgeries in a day, in Nepal... it's really a team effort."
Dr. Geoffrey Tabin, professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences and director of international ophthalmology, John A. Moran Eye Center and University of Utah

Dr. Bruce Jackson
"The real appeal [of corneal implants] is the fact that these are removable and reversible."
Dr. Bruce Jackson, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Ottawa

"We have to put together a comprehensive corneal transplant eye banking program in Canada for the common good..."
Dr. Paul Dubord, clinical professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver