
Surgical aspects of uveitis

Thursday, June 5
Room: 200 E

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the indications of vitrectomy in uveitis
  • Describe the outcome of cataract surgery in uveitis
  • Apply the appropriate treatment in steroids response associated with uveitis

Marc de Smet, MDCM

Hady Saheb
Jean Deschênes
Bill Hodge

Schedule and description
Jean Deschênes
1335An atypical case of bilateral anterior and posterior segment involvement in a patient with CLL
K. Soon, T. Chan
1345Diagnostic and therapeutic vitrectomy in uveitis patients
Marc de Smet
1410Evaluation of results following cataract surgery with IOL implantation in patients with pre-existing uveitis
H. Dang, C. Cheung, H. Chiu, P. Arjmand, T. Rabinovitch, D. Khosla, L. A. Derzko-Dzulynsky
1420Steroid response in uveitis
Hady Saheb
1430Techniques and challenges: Cataract surgery in uveitis
Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky
1440Post-operative inflammation in cataract surgery
Jean Deschênes
B. Hodge, K. Soon, M. de Smet, H. Dang, H. Saheb, L. Derzko-Dzulynsky, J. Deschênes

Symposium - Laboratory testing in uveitis

Thursday, June 5
Room: 200 E

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Assess the role of laboratory investigation in uveitis
  • Demonstrate the judicious use of resources for the diagnosis of uveitis
  • Describe the useful laboratory investigation in uveitis

Marc de Smet, MDCM
Jean Deschênes
Chloe Gottlieb

Schedule and description
Jean Deschênes
1550Double-hit primary vitreoretinal lymphoma
Chris Or, Andrew Kirker, Steve Rasmussen, Diego Villa, Alina S. Gerrie, Farzin Forooghian
1600Laboratory tests in uveitis - what is currently relevant, what is necessary?
Marc de Smet
1615Three potential novel ocular toxoplasmosis biomarkers
Jordan Isenberg, Ruben Belfort, Cynthia Santamaria, Tessa A. Weinberg, Miguel N. Burnier, Momar Ndao
1625Laboratory in anterior uveitis
Mili Roy
1635Laboratory in posterior uveitis, retinitis and occlusive retinal vasculopathy
Chloe Gottlieb
1645Why saying no can be a yes in uveitis testing
William Hodge
Andrew Kirker, Marc de Smet, Jordan Isenberg, Mili Roy, Chloe Gottlieb, William Hodge, Jean Deschênes
1715Business meeting – Canadian Uveitis Society

Marc de Smet
Marc de Smet, MDCM