Canadian Retina Society

ROP and surgical retina

Sunday, 16 June 2013, 1545-1715

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Integrate new knowledge in the management of ROP.
  • Describe new guidelines for ROP examination.
  • Evaluate current techniques in surgical retina.

Jost Jonas, MD
Jim Whelan
Mark Greve

1550Bevacizumab use in ROP
Jost Jonas
1610Seminal Canadian Recommendations for Evidence Based Examination of Neonates for Retinopathy Of Prematurity (SCREEN-ROP): provisional new guidelines
Kourosh Sabri, Kaitlyn Whelan, Virginia Viscardi, Niraj Patel, Wendy Seidlitz, Forough Farrokhyar, Sandesh Shivananda, Anna Ells, Shoo Lee
1607Chromatic pupillometry in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis LCA: feasibility testing, residual retinal cell function, and paradoxical pupil response
Radwan Ajlan, Leah Wood, Robert Koenekoop
1614Demonstration of anatomical development of the human macula within the first five years of life using optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Talal Alabduljalil, Arun Reginald, Carol Westall, Wai-Ching Lam
1621Outcomes and complications of Densiron 68 intraocular tamponade for retinal detachment repairs: a retrospective chart review
James Macdonald, Geoff Williams, Feisal Adatia, Kevin Warrian, Karim Hammamji, Micheline C. Deschenes, Andrew Kirker, Amin Kherani
1628Using patient positioning to promote resorption of subretinal fluid in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment prior to pneumatic retinopexy
Stephen J. Dorrepaal, Jeffrey Gale
1635Epiretinal membrane peeling with brilliant blue chromovitrectomy
Kevin J. Warrian, Sarit Khimdas, Alysia Zhou, John R. Gonder
1642A randomized controlled trial comparing pneumatic retinopexy versus vitrectomy for the management of primary retinal detachment; anatomical success, functional success and impact on patient quality of life
Roxane J. Hillier, Alan Berger, Filiberto Altomare, David T. Wong, Louis Giavedoni, David Chow, Shelley R. Boyd, Rajeev Muni

Jost Jonas, MD