President's Message

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 73rd COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Qu�bec City. As the largest gathering of ophthalmologists and allied health professionals in Canada, this meeting has its own synergy, bringing together researchers and clinicians working in all aspects of vision care. This year the planning committee, chaired by Dr. Allan Slomovic, has put together a stellar meeting featuring a large group of internationally renowned guest speakers. Some exciting things to look forward to are:

  • A third current concepts series so that we will be able to hear more talks from our guests
  • The opportunity to meet our new CEO Jennifer Brunet-Colvey
  • The presentation of the COS lifetime achievement award to Dr. Pierre Labelle on Saturday morning
  • A special Town Hall meeting on Monday morning to discuss the COS response to recent initiatives by provincial optometry societies interest in increasing their scope of practice
  • A new series of wet labs and workshops on Tuesday morning
  • A family-friendly, relaxed social evening on Sunday called La Grande F�te, featuring dance music by the Painchaud Family

As usual, we will have an extensive display of state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment by over 30 companies. The COS is particularly grateful to the continuing support of our corporate sponsors, without whom a meeting of this caliber and magnitude would not be possible.

I look forward to welcoming you at the 2010 Annual Meeting. I am certain that you will experience one of the premiere educational and social meetings of the year!

Lorne Bellan, MD, FRCSC
President, COS
Chair, COS Board of Directors

Lorne Bellan, MD FRCSC
Lorne Bellan, MD FRCSC