La Société canadienne d'orthoptique - ateliers et session scientifique

Ateliers, le samedi 20 juin 2009

HeureDockside 9Dockside 3
1300-1350Agnes Wong, MD
1400-1450Ann Haver OC(C), COT
Orthoptic therapy revisited
Heather Fennell OC(C), COMT
Pediatric low vision
1500-1550Aditya Mishra, MD
Pupils: a review
Karen McMain OC(C), COMT; Edward James; Vanessa Avellaneda-Chevrier
Orthoptics in the Developing World
1600-1650Dr. Alejandra Valenzuela MD
Thyroid Eye Disease and the Role of the Orthoptist

Session scientifique, le lundi 22 juin 2009

TimeTitle and speaker
0800Welcome: Opening remarks
0805Dr. John Pratt-Johnson Lecture:
The diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia in the 21st century - where did we come from and how did we get here?
Thomas. D. France, MD
0850A retrospective review of strabismus surgery using adjustable sutures
K. Mireskandari, S. Kraft
0905There is more to "low vision" than "vision"
D. Pickering
0930Break in Exhibit Hall
1030Optic glioma presenting as infantile nystagmus: the HSC series
A. Tandon, R. Buncic
1045Residual visual abilities in the blind visual field of hemispherectomized subjects and the neuronal correlate of blindsight
S. Leh
1100An evaluation of reaching and grasping in individuals with absent stereoacuity: is there a binocular advantage?
S. MacDonald
1115Pontine gaze palsy and abducens paralysis: clinical presentation and surgical management
S. Daniel, M. Flanders, R. Beneish
1130Outcome of surgery for longstanding exotropia (adults are NOT just big children!)
K. Arnoldi
1200Lunch in Exhibit Hall
1330Presentations to graduates
1345Lunn Lecture: A new look at an old practice
Louise Labow-Daily
1415Clinical characteristics of sixth nerve palsy
J. Zurevinsky
1430Review of PEDIG studies
N. Matta
1500Break in Exhibit Hall
1530Thyroid orbitopathy: impact at the workplace
L. Bellan
1545Characterization of visual function in early retinal degeneration
C. Panton, M. Contesta
1600Clinical characteristics of pediatric maculopathy: stereoacuity and color vision
J. Parkinson
1615Hereditary retinal disease in a patient with strabismus
A. Sheikh, V. Erraguntla
1630Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and ophthalmology
C. Skov

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