Chirurgie de la cataracte

Mardi 23 juin
Frontenac, 0800�0930

� la fin de la session, les participants pourront :

  • faire �tat d�une meilleure compr�hension de la corr�lation entre le vide, le flux et la puissance pour am�liorer l�efficacit� de la phaco�mulsification
  • discuter des principes de la puissance phaco longitudinale et non longitudinale et l�utiliser efficacement
  • identifier les similarit�s et les diff�rences des appareils phaco

William J. Fishkind, MD / Alan Crandall, MD

Malcolm Banks, Robert Pekush

0800Monitored Anesthesia Care by Registered Respiratory Therapists during Cataract Surgery - An Update
Peter A. Zakrzewski, Alexander V. Banashkevich, Tammy Friel, Rosa Braga-Mele
0807 A comparison of postoperative intraocular pressure following phacoemulsification with and without the use of anti-glaucoma drugs
Riley Hall, Robert Mitchell
0814Is smaller truly better? An evaluation of phaco incision size and astigmatism
Rosa Braga-Mele
0821Practical phaco: Understanding machine-speak while performing phaco
William Fishkind
0845Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome and cataract surgery complications associated with alpha-blocker medications
Susan K. Lindley, Silvin Bakalian, Mostafa Elhilali, Miguel N. Burnier
0852Managing pseudoexfoliation, intraoperative floppy iris syndrome and other small pupils
Allan Crandall
0904What is the incidence of postoperative endophthalmitis when using topical prophylaxis and clear corneal incisions?
John C. Lloyd, Rosa Braga-Mele
0911The Canadian & worldwide status of simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery (SBCS) in 2009
Steve A. Arshinoff

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William J. Fishkind, MD
Mardi 23 juin, 0821