Canadian Uveitis Society

The mystery of uveitis : how to make a diagnosis?

Thursday June 28, 2012, 1045-1215
Harbour C

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Formulate a differential diagnosis for anterior, intermediate, posterior and panuveitis.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for investigation and management of uveitis.
  • Understand systemic, infectious, inflammatory and neoplastic associations of uveitis.

Eric B. Suhler, MD MPH
Eric Fortin

1045Introduction and speaker presentation
Eric Fortin
1047Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
Ted Rabinovitch
1055Prevalence of inflammatory back pain in a cohort of patients with anterior uveitis
Clara C. Chan, Taucha Inrig, Catherine Molloy, Millicent A. Stone, Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky
1101Granulomatous uveitis
Jean Deschenes
1109Discussion and introduction of guest speaker
1119Systemic vasculitis
Eric Suhler
1127Infectious causes of posterior uveitis
Efrem Mandelcorn
1135Malignant masquerades in uveitis
Nupura Bakshi
1143How to make a diagnosis in uveitis?
Eric Suhler
1151Panel discussion: cases and questions

Eric B. Suhler, MD, MPH